The Cult of the Virgin Mary in Livonia: On the Question of Genesis
cult, Livonia, the Virgin Mary, Teutonic Order, the Crusades, the Bishop of Riga, the Middle AgesAbstract
The article describes the main factors of the origin of the Virgin Mary’s cult in medieval Livonia.This choice of Livonia is due to the fact that in the Middle Ages these lands were the so-called “Terra Mariana”.The formation of the Virgin Mary’s cult was under the influence of both the Church and the Teutonic Order. It fits into the overall historical context of the region associated with the process of Christianization and Crusades’idea. The cult of Mary started to grow in the 12th century. Economic contacts of merchants were also an important factor at this time. One part of this process can be explained by the activities of the Cistercian Order. Over the next century this process intensified. In many ways, its initiator was the Bishop of Riga, Albert, who gave a speech at the Fourth Lateran Council, in 1215. After this speech he received support from Pope Innocent III. With the arrival of the Teutonic Order to Livonia, the Virgin Mary’s cult received some additional support. The article also outlines the impact of the local traditions of various lands of the Empire, the places of origin for clerics and the brotherhood of the Teutonic Order, which could spread through the trade of the Hanseatic League.
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