The Exhibition as a Result of the Long-Term Research. On the Two Projects at the Tsaritsyno Museum Preservation: “A Garden Performance” and “The Grooth Brothers: A Portraitist and an Animal Painter'
exhibition, Tsaritsyno Museum Preservation, garden art, landscape park, estate, Enlightenment, romanticism, German artists, Georg Christoph Grooth, Johann Friedrich Grooth, rococo, portrait, animalistic genreAbstract
The present article highlights two impressive exhibition projects held at the Tsaritsyno Museum Preservation in 2017: A Garden Performance. The Art of Landscape Park in Europe and Russia (18.04–16.07.2017) and The Grooth Brothers: A Portraitist and an Animal Painter. The German Artists at the Russian Court (01.06–17.09.2017). Both themes — the history of landscaping and the creative activities of the travelling artists, migrating between different European countries — has long been the object of worldwide academic research. However, for the first time in Russia they have inspired such large-scale exhibition projects, addressing a wide range of issues. A Garden Performance… recreates the overall picture of the origin and further evolution of the landscape style during the 18th — first half of the 19th century, its history, classification, the artistic language of the garden itself and how it was reflected in literature, art and everyday culture. The Grooth Brothers… is a monographyof the work of German artists who settled at the Russian Court in the middle of the 18th century and made a significant contribution to the development of Russian art of that period. This particular project complements the exhibition Georg Christoph Grooth and the Elizabethan time, recently held at the Russian Museum (2.12.2016–13.03.2017). Both of the Tsaritsyno exhibitions show the results of passionate long-term research of their curators B. M. Sokolov and L. A. Markina. They are organized at a highly professional level, using technical resources of the modern day exhibition practice, with the support of many Russian museums, libraries, archivesand private collectors. Some exhibits were rarely accessible to the Moscow public before, others are presented inthese exhibitions for the first time. The latter are accompanied by published academic catalogues as well as by special programmes of events intended for professionals and the general public alike. Both exhibition projects are of great cultural and academic significance. Undoubtedly, they take our understanding of the aforementioned subjects to a new level.
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