The Mazzatosta Chapel Ensemble in the Church Santa Maria della Verità in Viterbo
Quattrocento, Mazzatosta Chapel, Santa Maria della Verità Church in Viterbo, Lorenzo da Viterbo, symbolism of light, spectator, Betrothal of MaryAbstract
The present study is dedicated to the Mazzatosta Chapel in the Church of Santa Maria della Verità in Viterbo. This artistic ensemble of the end of the 1460s is examined as a prominent example of arts synthesis with décor program focused on the theme of a miracle for the first time. This theme was inspired by the miraculous appearance of Madonna in the Church of Santa Maria della Verità in 1446. The miracles are represented on the murals of Mazzatosta Chapel: the behavior of three-year-old Mary, Joseph’s staff blooming up in his hands, the Annunciation scene that was the first stage of God’s incarnation, the Virgin giving birth to the Child, and the culmination — the Ascension of Our Lady. The sanctuary wall composition appears to be the axis of the given mariologic cycle. Madonna’s image is presented three times on its vertical line. The core is the upper scene of the Ascension of Our Lady. One of the apostles — the witness of this event — stands apart from the rest of the group. He could be perceived facing both the chapel space and the adjacent west wall. A biphory dissecting the western wall of the chapel at the distinct time of a day is projected on the opposite wall with a scene of the betrothal of Joseph and Mary on it; exactly at the same moment the figures of the main characters are illuminated with sunlight.
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